2021-01-16 3:29 PM
MCU: stm32f427
Firmware Version: F4_v1.25.2
CubeMX Version: 6.0.1
The generated code for USB Virtual Com Class dynamically allocates memory (calls malloc) in USBD_CDC_Init. However, this init function is called under a IRQ context, and I don't think doing malloc in an interrupt handler is a wise choice.
Could you please consider making it static in future firmware releases? I don't see a necessity in dynamically allocating a handle object.
I encountered this when trying to retarget malloc to the FreeRTOS routine using the compiler option -Wl,--wrap=malloc. The reason for that is to interface with the Eigen library. However, if I do such redirection, a pvPortMalloc is called by this USBD_CDC_Init in an IRQ handler, and the program hangs due to incorrect locking under interrupt context.
2021-01-18 11:21 PM
Even if ST will remove the malloc() call, it will not fix the ridiculous design of processing everything in ISR. The real solution is a stack designed by competent people - TinyUSB: