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Does someone has better information about ethernet MTL configuration?

Associate III


at the moment i'm stucked at the configuration of the MTL (STM32H743).

For example:

I'm looking at RM0433 rev7 p. 2934.

RQS (Receive Queue Size) has only 3Bits [22:20] and 'this field indicates the size of the allocated Receive queues in blocks of 256 bytes'. So maximum is (2^3)-1 * 256 = 1792 Bytes ?!

At RFD i find something like:

'When the EHFC is set high, these values are applicable only when the Rx queue size determined by the RQS field of this register, is equal to or greater than 4 Kbytes.'

Under EHFC i find:

'This bit is not used (reserved and always reset) when the Rx queue is less than 4 Kbytes.'

Does someone knows an application note that could help me?

Can i ignore these bits because the MTL in the STM32H743 has a maximum of 2kb (figure 776, p.2807)?

On the other side the document tells me that i should program the RQS field for MTL initialization (58.9.2 2.d, p.2871).

Perhaps i'm too much in yelling at the manuals and i don't see my mistake.

Kind regards
