2022-01-10 2:27 PM
Hi everybody,
I think I found a bug in stm32l4xx_hal_exti.h at the definition of the GPIO-ports:
The definition for EXTI_GPIOG is wrong!!! When trying to activate EXTI for PortG you actually activate it for port F in SYSCFG->EXTICR.
Could you please fix this?
Best regards
2022-01-11 12:00 AM
Thank you Markus, for pointing this out!
@Sara BEN HADJ YAHYA Please forward this to the library managers.
2022-01-11 2:25 AM
Hello @Community member and @Peter BENSCH
Thank you for bringing this issue to my attention.
Internal ticket number 120638 is submitted to fix this error in the coming release of CubeL4 MCU package.
(PS: number 120638, this is an internal tracking number and is not accessible or usable by customers).