2021-02-18 12:20 PM
Hello community,
I'm experiencing difficulty when debugging my software.
I'm running Mac OS Catalina with a L433 Nucleo, plugged into my USB-C to USB-A converter.
I wrote a very basic "echo" program to take my USART input and echo it back to my Mac.
I keep on getting an ORE flag and my program gets stuck in the interrupt.
I took the project and the board to a Windows Machine and it worked without hassles.
Any advice please.
2021-02-18 12:37 PM
What if you disable UART overrun detection (temporary of course) ?
-- pa
2021-02-19 5:19 AM
Immediately sits and hangs in the procedure where ever the breakpoint is - can step through the code, but jumps to the start when it reached the end of the procedure.
2021-02-19 5:28 AM
When I remove the breakpoint, the software runs. I just can't debug (which is slightly problematic).
I ran STM32CUBEIDE on Windows 10 with Bootcamp on my Macbook with the same results.