2016-11-25 3:33 PM
I'm working in a custom bootloader. I have follow many discussions here and then i end up with this code.commenting the function PerformFirmwareUpdate() the code works ok!pFunction appEntry;
uint32_t appStack;
/* Get the application stack pointer (First entry in the application vector table) */
appStack = (uint32_t) *((__IO uint32_t*)EXEC_ZONE_ADDR);
/* Get the application entry point (Second entry in the application vector table) */
appEntry = (pFunction) *(__IO uint32_t*) (EXEC_ZONE_ADDR);// + 4);
if (CheckFirmwareUpdate)
/* Reconfigure vector table offset register to match the application location */
/* Set the application stack pointer */
/* Start the application */
when i uncomment the function which copies the program in the execution sector (5), then i get the problem:
theappEntry gets the value of sector 6 instead of sector 5 which is the real value assigned.
void PerformFirmwareUpdate(void)
{ if (FlashErase(FLASH_SECTOR_5))//(FLASH_SECTOR_5); { uint32_t *data_ptr = (uint32_t *)PROG_ZONE_ADDR; HAL_FLASH_Unlock(); for(uint32_t i = 0; i < (SECTOR_SIZE); i += sizeof(uint32_t), data_ptr++ ) { if(HAL_FLASH_Program(FLASH_TYPEPROGRAM_WORD, EXEC_ZONE_ADDR + i, *data_ptr) != HAL_OK) { //WORD = 32bits break; } FLASH_WaitForLastOperation (4000); //in ms, max time to erase whole sector; see datasheet } HAL_FLASH_Lock(); } return;}Thanks to all, I hope someone could help me with this!
#stm2 #bootloader #stm32f4 #!stm32-!bootloader #c2016-11-27 6:11 PM
2016-11-27 7:17 PM
Ok, so why build it for 0x08040000? If you have it as a binary blob you can write it at any address you want. I wouldn't need a .HEX file
2016-11-27 7:23 PM
Build the code for 0x08020000, I'd take that either as an .ELF/AXF or .HEX, convert that to a binary image suitable for flashing, with a CRC added on the end to ensure the integrity of the image. The loader could check this prior to jumping to the new image, or copying from 0x08040000 to 0x08020000
2016-11-29 5:26 PM
2016-12-01 6:03 PM
Clive the problem was solved, thanks for your help!
1) My hextobin.exe was not converting properly! I'm using the keil tool fromelf.exe instead and right now things are working.2) I'm using the STM u-link utility to load the bin directly