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Can I use ST's VID and PID?

Associate II


I'm using the USB CDC class on my STM32H7.

Currently, I am using ST's VID (0x0483) and PID (0x5740).

I have four questions.

1.Can I use ST's VID and PID in our final product version?

2.If so, can I redistribute ST's Virtual COM Port driver to our customers?

3.How much does it cost to use ST's VID (0x0483) and unique PID?

4.We have a USB VID, but how much does it cost to change the VCP driver if we use our VID?

Best Regards,

Pavel A.
Evangelist III

You don't need a "VCP driver". Any decent OS supports CDC compatible devices in-box these days. Just make sure your device works well with these in-box drivers.

-- pa

Dear Pavel A,

Thank you for your quick reply.

At first I thought so too.

However, it seems that a VCP driver is needed for Windows 7 and Windows 8.1.

Actualiy, it didn't work on my Windows 7 PC without the VCP driver.

Best Regards,