2020-08-23 08:29 PM
I want to implement USB OTG on my own STM32H7 board.
Can I get an example of the firmware source code?
2020-08-28 08:29 AM
Hello @KKado.1 ,
You can download STM32CubeH7 firmware package, you will find several USB projects in this directory:
STM32Cube_FW_H7_V1.8.0\Projects\<Board name>\Applications\USB_Device\ for USB device projects or in the Projects\Board name\Applications\USB_Host\ for USB Host projects.
Here is STM32 USB OTG training and video: STM32H7 OLT - 42. Peripheral USB OTG HS
Best Regards,
2020-08-31 05:29 PM
Thank you for your answer.
I will refer to it.