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[bug fixes] STM32H7 Ethernet


@Amel NASRI​, @ranran​, @Piranha​, @Harrold​, @Pavel A.​ 

V2 of my fixes and improvements to H7_FW V1.5.0/V1.6.0 Ethernet...

Changes include

  • Decoupling receive buffers from receive descriptors so buffers may be held any length time without choking receive.
  • Optionally queuing transmit, so transmit doesn't need to block until complete.
  • Many bug fixes.

Find full details and source in the attached zip. V1 was posted to another developer's question. Please post any questions about V2 here.

Associate II


There is additional task to handle PHY connection (from CubeH7 example)

void ethernet_link_thread( void const * argument )


 ETH_MACConfigTypeDef MACConf;

 int32_t PHYLinkState;

 uint32_t linkchanged = 0, speed = 0, duplex =0;

 struct netif *netif = (struct netif *) argument;





  PHYLinkState = LAN8742_GetLinkState(&LAN8742);


  if(netif_is_link_up(netif) && (PHYLinkState <= LAN8742_STATUS_LINK_DOWN))






  else if(!netif_is_link_up(netif) && (PHYLinkState > LAN8742_STATUS_LINK_DOWN))


   switch (PHYLinkState)




    speed = ETH_SPEED_100M;

    linkchanged = 1;




    speed = ETH_SPEED_100M;

    linkchanged = 1;




    speed = ETH_SPEED_10M;

    linkchanged = 1;




    speed = ETH_SPEED_10M;

    linkchanged = 1;








    /* Get MAC Config MAC */

    HAL_ETH_GetMACConfig(&heth, &MACConf); 

    MACConf.DuplexMode = duplex;

    MACConf.Speed = speed;

    HAL_ETH_SetMACConfig(&heth, &MACConf);









MEMP_NUM_TCPIP_MSG_INPKT  = 8 isn't enough. This is possibly the only problem.

About HAL_ETH_Stop_IT... I did make some changes there. But still I'm unsure its stop/start is good as I'd only inspected it, didn't use HAL_ETH_Stop_IT and (sorry) only tested what I'd used. Are you sure you need to HAL_ETH_Stop_IT?

If you do, the first HAL_ETH_Start_IT is in low_level_init. Before your next HAL_ETH_Start_IT, make sure all the rx buffers (from the EthIfRxBuff pool) that had been previously held by the ETH driver were freed. Anyway, a problem with this isn't indicated and would surely manifest after a few 10s of link up/down.

Associate II

How many MEMP_NUM_TCPIP_MSG_INPK do you suggest ?

I left HAL_ETH_Stop_IT from Cube example. If it is not necessery i will remove this.

Thanks for suggestion.

Please reply the reply so the conversations are delineated.


Double or triple.

>I left HAL_ETH_Stop_IT from Cube example.

You'll have to decide. My attitude is, everything ought have a reason and nothing ought have no reason. That's backed up by studies showing bugs are proportional to lines of code (doesn't mean remove comments).

Removing the HAL_ETH_Stop_IT resolved the problem.

But there is still messages "out of memory in pool TCP PCB"

>But there is still messages "out of memory in pool TCP PCB"

You needed to increase MEMP_NUM_TCPIP_MSG_INPK.

You need to increase MEMP_NUM_TCP_PCB too.

Review your pool dimensions per your circumstances.

For how-to, refer MEMP_NUM_TCPIP_MSG_INPK in my lwipopts.h.

>Removing the HAL_ETH_Stop_IT resolved the problem.

Please share how, why, a bug, where.

I use Nuleo-H743ZI2 evalboard and example LwIP_HTTP_Server_Netconn_RTOS from CubeH7 package. 

All necessery files was replaced by your files from "Ethernet Driver Bug-Fixes" package, also all your settings from lwipopts.h and buffors size.

The original example from ST and your example work (main difference is in max speed - ST example achieve max 50mbps), but both have the same problems:

1) connect to netconn http server - ok, then connect to netconn tcp echo server - http server stop ack. Disconnect from echo server - http server start ack again.

2) connect to nectonn tcp echo server - ok, then connect to netconn udp echo server - haard fault on function netbuf_alloc (debug message memp_malloc: out of memory in pool NETBUF)

udpecho_thread(void *arg)


 struct netconn *conn;

 struct netbuf *buf, *tx_buf;

 err_t err;


 conn = netconn_new(NETCONN_UDP);

 netconn_bind(conn, IP_ADDR_ANY, 7);

 LWIP_ERROR("udpecho: invalid conn", (conn != NULL), return;);  

 while (1) {

  err = netconn_recv(conn, &buf);        

  if (err == ERR_OK) {

   tx_buf = netbuf_new(); // <-- tx_buf is NULL

   netbuf_alloc(tx_buf, buf->p->tot_len); // <----- crash here,


Also after only connect to http server, althoung it works, there are message :

memp_malloc: out of memory in pool TCP_PCB

memp_malloc: out of memory in pool NETCONN

Increasing MEMP_NUM_TCPIP_MSG_INPK and MEMP_NUM_TCP_PCB not helping. 

I know there are many bugs possibilities, but all code is based on standard ST/lwip example without any modification except yours. I don't have much experience in lwip so i don't know where to start search problem.

> use Nuleo-H743ZI2 evalboard and example LwIP_HTTP_Server_Netconn_RTOS from CubeH7 package

> The original example from ST and your example work <snip> have the same problems

I'm guessing if ST's example fails the same without my changes, then the problems are with ST's example.

You've found its second problem: udpecho_thread doesn't check netbuf_new's error.

Does any other reader know about the first problem Adam's described?

Suggest search Community or start a new topic on it.

One problem resolved - default MEMP_NUM_NETBUF is 2. Increase to 8 resolve problem with system crash after using netbuf_new ().

But still Netconn http server stop working after TCP client connected.

Does Netconn thread safe ?

> default MEMP_NUM_NETBUF is 2. Increase to 8

You're on the right track.

>Does Netconn thread safe ?

It's off topic. I need to ask you to please find or create a new topic.

I'm not expert and I'd have read its code.