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AZURE Example doesn't install Azure RTOS Middleware?


I am attempting to use an Azure RTOS Nx_TCP_Echo_Client example in CubeIDE V1.11. I create a FILE->NEW->STM32 Project, then select the Nx_TCP_Echo_Client example from the Examples List in the Target Selector for my NUCLEO-F767ZI board. I then create the example project in my workspace (using STM32Cube FW_F7 V1.17.0). But the Azure RTOS files do not download into my project. What I am doing wrong?

ST Employee

Hello @Community member​,

I followed the same steps as you descripted and I don't reproduce the same issue.


To solve your issue:

  1. Try to delete the project file.
  2. Download the last version for X-CUBE-AZRTOS-F7.
  3. Open the project by click in .project file available in this path "X-CUBE-AZRTOS-F7\1.1.0\Projects\STM32F767ZI-Nucleo\Applications\NetXDuo\Nx_TCP_Echo_Client\STM32CubeIDE"

Please let me know if the problem is solved.

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Thank you


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Thanks for your help. I finally figured out that the "Example" only loads the basic drivers and code framework. But it doesn't load the "software pack" files, which you must do manually. My brain expected that, if I download an example that is specific to a certain target board and requires certain files from a "Software Pack", that CubeIDE would be smart enough to automatically select and download the software pack elements that are required for the Example. But apparently, we are supposed to be smart enough to know which specific elements are required from the software pack. This makes no sense to me. For someone just starting to learn the Azure RTOS, this is a big impediment. Especially when your video examples only show how this is done using CubeMX, and not CubeIDE.

Sorry for the rant. But not having simple, working examples is a pet peeve of mine. If you want folks to adopt your shiny new Azure tools, you'll need to keep your "Tutorials" up to date.


Mike H