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Any USB examples for the NUCLEO-H743ZI board?

Associate III

I could not find any in the Cube packages... I tried creating a project from scratch with STM32CubeMX. Power for USB FS1 is ready (LD10 on) but no reaction at all when I connect anything via user USB port (CN13). The same project works on the STM32H743I-EVAL board with no problems at all (OTG FS1, host and device). Peripheral USB is on, IRQs are on, Clock is running (48MHz) and configured. Now I am really looking for a USB host project for this nucleo board to see whats the matter with this.


Yeah, the examples are lacking, you'd likely need to port from the EVAL board, or use examples from other STM32 families as a template. Third party stack vendors might have solutions.

Focus on schematic and pin differences in the EVAL vs NUCLEO implementations.

Commercial customers could probably lean on their FAE for tailored support.

@STOne-32​ improved examples for H7 platforms?

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Associate III

Thanks Clive! That's what I have tried already. I ported one running USB FS1 host example from EVAL to nucleo. The only thing I had to change is the VBus activation line. But no luck...

Maybe I can discuss this issue with someone from ST at the next electronica fair in Munich....