2022-06-21 2:00 AM
I'm trying to learn RTOS on STM32F407VG(Discovery Board). I am able to use the USART without FreeRTOS at 115200 baud rate. Nevertheless, when I enable FreeRTOS and try to send basic strings with the same USART settings(115200 baud rate etc.), I can not see the proper message from Hercules, HyperTerminal, or Serial Port Monitor at 115200 baud rate. But if I change the baud rate to 38400, I can see. It's not working at other baud rates instead of 115200. Am I missing something about the settings of RTOS?
2022-06-21 2:55 AM
"Am I missing something about the settings of RTOS?"
That's something that you'd have to ask the FreeRTOS people:
Remember that FreeRTOS is an independent 3rd-party product - nothing to do with ST or STM32.
"if I change the baud rate to 38400, I can see"
You mean the baud rate of the terminal here?
Sounds like your FreeRTOS system is running at 1/3 the rate of your non-FreeRTOS system?
2022-06-21 3:31 AM
"You mean the baud rate of the terminal here?"
"Sounds like your FreeRTOS system is running at 1/3 the rate of your non-FreeRTOS system?"
Yes. Let's make it clear.
Transmitter is Discovery Board and Receiver is PC.
Transmitter settings are at 115200 baudrate, PC settings are at 38400 baudrate.
2022-06-21 3:37 AM
"Transmitter settings are at 115200 baudrate"
So those setting will be correct for your non-FreeRTOS system clock.
If your FreeRTOS system clock is different, then your UART settings will need a corresponding change