2022-09-08 1:20 PM
I am currently working on a project with the B-L462E-CELL1 Cellular IoT Discovery kit using the X-CUBE-AZRTOS-L4 Azure RTOS software expansion in the XCube IDE and would like to add the X-CUBE-CELLULAR expansion package to my project to support the cellular connectivity feature of the chip.
However, when I copy the files used in the example project (STM32CubeExpansion_CELLULAR_V7.0\Projects\B-L462E-CELL1\Demonstrations\Nx_TCP_Echo_Client)^into mine, I get some unresolved includes. However, I have the same includes in my projec under Parameters>C/C++ General>Paths and symbols>Includes as what is present in the example project mentioned earlier. I see that the How to>How to implement your own application section of the documentation says "Coming soon", so I can't read more doc on how to do it.
So I wanted to know what files to include in my project and how to set up my project correctly to include the X-CUBE-CELLULAR expansion package to my project and thus use the cell function of my dev kit. Has anyone managed to do this?
Bests regards
2022-09-22 12:44 PM
You can use the errors to guide you as to which includes you need to add. Go through the errors one by one, noting which file the errored code belongs to and then add the corresponding include file in the project properties, making sure to use the profile that you are using to compile this project.
2023-05-01 3:13 PM
I have a very similar issue. I started from the "STM32CubeExpansion_CELLULAR_V7.0\Projects\B-L462E-CELL1\Demonstrations\Nx_TCP_Echo_Client" which worked out of the box. But I wanted to create my own project based on that demo. Turns out I have many issues:
I am also trying to convert the whole thing into a CMake/VSCode project (Which worked for a simple program). It makes way more sense to me (as threadx and netxDuo are already CMake projects). Starting from MaJerle VSCode example.
My idea is to create a clean and simple project including all these dependencies (ideally as git submodules or equivalent). But it looks very painful and time consuming.
2025-03-06 11:44 PM
I also struggle with the same issue now, it would be great if someone can explain.