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Accessing GPIOA CRL and CRH registers using STM32 HAL libraries

Associate II


I was wondering how to interface GPIO port registers CRL and CRH with HAL libraries, as I don't see such an option and simple GPIOB->CRL line gives an error.

Here are the available selections:



Accepted Solutions
That library is for an STM32F103. It's not going to work for you without modification.
The STM32F4 doesn't have CRL/CRH registers in GPIO.
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CRL and CRH aren't GPIO registers on all chips. On chips that they are, you can access them just fine with GPIOx->CRL and GPIOx->CRH. What chip are you using?

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Associate II

I'm using a STM32F446VET6 chip.

Might be off topic, but I'm trying to interface a TFT Screen which sends commands through data pins on a GPIO port. And looking through some examples, a writing direction needs to be set, and all libraries use the CRL and CRH registers. Although I have another problem, that my Data pins of the screen are not on the same port..

But as I understand, when selecting writing or reading direction from the screen, you set the pins to input or output mode, which I can do with HAL, right?

That library is for an STM32F103. It's not going to work for you without modification.
The STM32F4 doesn't have CRL/CRH registers in GPIO.
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> when selecting writing or reading direction from the screen, you set the pins to input or output mode

It's simpler in 'F4 (and all other STM32 family) than in 'F1 - simply write 0b00 or 0b01 into the bitfield respective to given pin in GPIOx_MODER.

> which I can do with HAL, right?

Sure, you can even click it in CubeMX (or so I think, I don't use Cube/CubeMX).