2020-01-14 7:27 PM
I use stm32F746 & FreeRTOS & SDMMC & DMA.
When I use f_open in somewhere it will return FR_NOT_ENABLED...
But in my system have the other f_open & f_write is normal work(I am not remount).
My English is not very good,if anything can't understand please tell me.
Thanks in advance
2020-01-16 9:41 PM
this indicates file system object error
when you get this error? means in what fucntion
2020-01-17 12:33 AM
Need to keep all SDMMC interaction in a single thread or mutex usage. Check also build options for FatFs
2020-01-19 10:15 PM
2020-01-19 10:54 PM
jsut try simple only fatfs without rtos
2020-01-19 11:09 PM
Thanks your reply
I am try fatfs without rtos,But FR_NOT_ENABLED was not happen.:crying_face:
2020-01-20 12:18 AM
So there is nothing issue related to fatfs configuration
you have some problem in RTOS