2016-05-16 12:00 AM
I am using STM32L4x6 MCU in our custom board. I developed the firmware with FatFs to add support of SD card using SDMMC1 interface. I am successfully able to interface the 2GB micro SD card and able to write files onto it.But when I tried with 8GB (Micro SDHC) SD card in the same setup and with same firmware, it didn't work!! I tried SD card of different manufacturers like SanDisk, Transcend and Samsung, but none of them worked.Do I need to modify the firmware to add support of 8GB card?Please help.Thanks,Dhaval #stm32l4 #hal #fatfs #microsd2016-05-16 2:31 AM
SDHC uses slightly different commands and block addressing
2016-05-16 9:00 PM
Hi Clive,
Thanks for you quick reply.I also have the Eval board of STM32L1 and it has micro SD card connector. In that the 8GB sd card is working fine with Demonstration Sample Code. So I compared that code with my code and find it same.So can you please let me know what changes are required? Is there any working sample code available for the reference?Thanks,Dhaval2016-05-18 12:09 AM
Hi Clive,
Can you please help me here?Thanks,Dhaval2016-05-18 4:44 AM
I'm not using L4 parts and no one has provided boards with SD card interface. I have my own work to do.
The command sequencing and parameters have changed to accommodate the larger media, if you have an implementation that works vs one that doesn't then instrument and review interaction. Review initialization, block size selection and block numbers passed in read/write.2016-06-06 10:38 PM
Hi Clive,
Thanks for your support. Now the 8GB card is working fine.Previously I was using Discovery board and the SD card adapter was connected to the board using cables. But after having our own custom board, the 8GB card works perfectly fine without any change!! So it was the cables who were culprit!!Regards,Dhaval