2020-10-13 9:08 PM
2022-02-10 2:38 AM
Have the same problem WIN10
2022-02-10 4:07 AM
You will need to install the appropriate Microsoft MSVC Redistributables package matching the Visual C(++) tools it was built with.
2022-02-10 5:01 AM
14.0 Probably these
12.0 these
Note the ST-LINK Utilities have been deprecated for some time, and development has moved on to the STM32 Cube Programmer tools
2022-02-10 11:34 AM
In the meantime I have installed STM32Cube and it works perfect. The naming on the ST-Link pins are also correct.
It deprecation should be more visible for ST-Link users, BTW my sample has the clone STM32f103 .
My intention is now to install the boot loader on my BluePlll samples I have.
It has taken me some useless hours to give up the ST-Link utility.
In any case thanks for the prompt answer. Blupill is really nice.
2022-02-10 1:18 PM
One can install a single universal package, which combines all versions since 14.0 (Visual Studio 2015):