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UDS Bootloader Flash Errors on STM32L496VE (Flash:512KB)


Dear STM32 Community,


I hope this email finds you well. I am reaching out to seek assistance regarding some persistent flash errors I've been encountering with the STM32L496VE microcontroller.


In my application, I'm utilizing the bootloader to write data onto the second bank of the STM32L496VE, which boasts 512Kb of flash memory. However, during the writing process, I intermittently encounter the following flash errors: FLASH_FLAG_PROGERR, FLASH_FLAG_PGAERR, and FLASH_FLAG_PGSERR.


To mitigate these errors, I have been meticulously following the process of erasing the memory before initiating the write operation. Despite this precaution, the errors persist, albeit inconsistently. Interestingly, there are instances where the operation succeeds without encountering any errors.


I would like to highlight that we are employing a 64-bit alignment, and the sequence we follow is to erase before writing to the flash.


While I have managed to work around these errors by ignoring them and attempting to write on different banks, I believe that addressing the root cause of these issues is paramount for ensuring the reliability and stability of my application.


Therefore, I am reaching out to the STM32 support in the hopes of gaining insights and guidance on resolving these flash errors. If any of you have encountered similar issues or have expertise in troubleshooting flash-related challenges with the STM32L4 series, I would greatly appreciate your input and suggestions.


Your assistance and expertise would be invaluable in helping me overcome this hurdle and ensure the seamless operation of my application. Thank you in advance for your time and support.


Looking forward to your responses and insights.


Best regards,

Anas Saeed