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Too slow firmware download with ST-LINK v2 under Windows 7 x64

Associate II

I have migrated from Windows 7 x86 to x64 and since then I noticed that the firmware download speed has reduced hardly. The download now goes at least 

twice or more slower than under Windows 7 x86. I use the latest driver for st-link dongle (v2.1.0.0). What could be the problem?


Check the SWD clock speed it's using. It's also possible you're not doing quite the same thing. Maybe in the second case you're verifying data as well as programming.

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Associate II

SWD clock is the same in both cases, verifying is turned off. Moreover, this is exectly the same MDK-ARM project.

I have also tried ULINK2 debugger - this works good either under x86/x64.

It looks like something is wrong with st-link v2 driver under Win7 x64.

Pavel A.
Evangelist III

Is the 64-bit PC the same as 32-bit, or a different one?

Is your USB host controller USB3 (with a 3rd party driver) by chance?

-- pa

Associate II

Actually the PC is the different one with USB3.0.

I also tried to plug st-link into USB2.0 port on the front panel, but the result was the same.

TL;DR... It's time to upgrade to Windows 10 or Linux 🙂