2024-12-03 7:27 AM
I have found that the STWINBX1 loses RTC at poweroff (or does CubeMX write code to reset RTC at poweron? there is a ticket on that) so that I have to battery-power it on, connect usb, update RTC and then disconnect while still on in order to log without "2001-01-01 00:01".
Its LiPo battery is connected and above 90%
Is there a remedy?
Solved! Go to Solution.
2024-12-04 7:39 AM - edited 2024-12-04 7:43 AM
According to the schematics you attached, VBAT pin is hardwired to VDD_uC and not to a dedicated battery cell. So if you lose the power on VDD_uC you will lose the Time/date. So you need to keep VDD_uC powred on.
2024-12-03 7:36 AM - edited 2024-12-03 7:37 AM
@Old_Geezer wrote:
or does CubeMX write code to reset RTC at poweron?
Check if you don't configure the the time and date at each power on. Check out this example:
You need to configure the Time/Date one and save that status in the Buck up register and at each power on you check this status, if the time/date was configured you escape the time/date settings:
RTC_CalendarConfig() implementation:
static void RTC_CalendarConfig(void)
RTC_DateTypeDef sdatestructure;
RTC_TimeTypeDef stimestructure;
/*##-1- Configure the Date #################################################*/
/* Set Date: Tuesday February 18th 2014 */
sdatestructure.Year = 0x14;
sdatestructure.Month = RTC_MONTH_FEBRUARY;
sdatestructure.Date = 0x18;
sdatestructure.WeekDay = RTC_WEEKDAY_TUESDAY;
if(HAL_RTC_SetDate(&RtcHandle,&sdatestructure,RTC_FORMAT_BCD) != HAL_OK)
/* Initialization Error */
/*##-2- Configure the Time #################################################*/
/* Set Time: 02:00:00 */
stimestructure.Hours = 0x02;
stimestructure.Minutes = 0x00;
stimestructure.Seconds = 0x00;
stimestructure.TimeFormat = RTC_HOURFORMAT12_AM;
stimestructure.DayLightSaving = RTC_DAYLIGHTSAVING_NONE;
stimestructure.StoreOperation = RTC_STOREOPERATION_RESET;
if(HAL_RTC_SetTime(&RtcHandle,&stimestructure,RTC_FORMAT_BCD) != HAL_OK)
/* Initialization Error */
/*##-3- Writes a data in a RTC Backup data Register0 #######################*/
-> it sets the value 0x32F2 in the BKP registers after configuring the calendar.
That will be checked later on at power up.
/*##-2- Check if Data stored in BackUp register1: No Need to reconfigure RTC#*/
/* Read the Back Up Register 1 Data */
if (HAL_RTCEx_BKUPRead(&RtcHandle, RTC_BKP_DR1) != 0x32F2)
/* Configure RTC Calendar */
Hope that answers your question.
2024-12-03 7:54 AM
Hope it does, bc it's running your DATALOG2v2.2.0 demo, downloaded and flashed "as is" :)
2024-12-03 8:09 AM - edited 2024-12-03 8:21 AM
Sorry I don't have idea about this demo even about this STWINBX1 board but the concept is the same as long as this box is based on a STM32 MCU ;)
2024-12-04 4:24 AM - last edited on 2024-12-04 4:51 AM by mƎALLEm
Sorry, but your example only results in the clock being set to 240218 00:00.
So either my implementation of your code is bad or the MCU has no RTC power.
Below is main() of my altered DATALOG2 demo.
int main(void)
// System initialization
RTC_HandleTypeDef RtcHandle;
RtcHandle.Instance = RTC;
if (HAL_RTCEx_BKUPRead(&RtcHandle, RTC_BKP_DR1) != 0x32F2)
/* Configure RTC Calendar */
while (1);
2024-12-04 4:51 AM - edited 2024-12-04 4:52 AM
The code I provided is taken from this example and nothing wrong in it: form https://github.com/STMicroelectronics/STM32CubeL4/tree/master/Projects/STM32L476G-EVAL/Examples/RTC/RTC_Calendar
You need to have VBAT pin powered on (to backup the time and the backup registers) while the board is powered off. This is the idea.
2024-12-04 7:30 AM
Well, maybe you can find someone who can confirm whether VBAT is connected uninterrupted to battery on this board. I can't, not that proficient. In the user's manual are two links (in blue) to further details but those are dead:
I was however able to google the schematic:
2024-12-04 7:39 AM - edited 2024-12-04 7:43 AM
According to the schematics you attached, VBAT pin is hardwired to VDD_uC and not to a dedicated battery cell. So if you lose the power on VDD_uC you will lose the Time/date. So you need to keep VDD_uC powred on.
2024-12-05 6:51 AM
Well, that board is a (likely multilayered) ST board, so either you or I will have to file a report if this is to be fixed in a future version.
2024-12-05 6:58 AM
I think connecting VBAT to VDD was an option of the design I think for simplification and this is something we can see in many ST boards like Disco board for example.
I've already escalated this remark a moment ago .. I don't know if it will be taken in consideration or not.