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ST-LINK V3 firmware and licensing

Associate II

We are designing a board for internal product development and testing (not for sale) based on NUCLEO-U575ZI-Q (the Altium source). We aim to manufacture a handful of boards for internal use during development. We will re-use parts of the existing design, adding an FMC LPC and some other high speed logic (hence the FMC). On the NUCLEO-U575ZI-Q there is an ST-LINK V3 that we would like to use as is if possible.

However, we realize there might be licensing issues. Can we do this from a legal point of view?

Also, is there a way to boot strap the ST-LINK CPU so we can install/update required firmware so it can be used with STM32Cube?

I'm aware we can use an STLINK-V3MODS in case this approach fails for any reason, but it really would make more sense to use the existing ST-LINK V3 from a practical point of view.

Uwe Bonnes
Principal III

Recent STLINKV3 bootloader is strong cryptographic protected. It can only load another STLINK firmware. Ask your FAE if they sell you preprogrammed chips if the numbers are sensible. If you want an STlinkV3 an STLINKV3 add on board is  another option. For Stlink with F103 github offers you more...

Segger might have J-Link OB options

Alternative perhaps CMSIS-DAP or Black Magic

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