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I struggled with the difference between STM32U5G9J-DK2 and STM32U5G9J-DK1. The STM32U5G9J-DK2 link to the STM website is not working or is missing. It seems to me the STM32U5G9J-DK2 is a newer, cheaper variant, but what is the difference with DK1? I guess the STM32U5A9J-DK has no audio and is an older model. Does CubeMX for STM32U5G9J-DK2 include Azure ThreadX/FileX/USBX just like Nucleo STM32U5A5. 

The 2nd question is, is there a useful daughterboard that has an SD card for the Nucleo STM32U5A5?


ST Employee


The STM32U5G9J-DK1 and the STM32U5G9J-DK2 are completly different boards, the STM32U5G9J-DK1 is the same design as the STM32U5A9J-DK (the one with the round screen), the STM32U5G9J-DK2 is another design with a rectangular screen (you have a pic in the STM32cubeIDE). The product page, which I guess is where your link is pointing to, should open soon (end january?).

For the Azure projects, please check on github :

STM32U5 Github 

or on the STM32U5 software package page:

STM32U5 package 


ST Employee

>> The 2nd question is, is there a useful daughterboard that has an SD card for the Nucleo STM32U5A5?

I personnaly don't know other solution than this kind of module:

SD module 


I placed an order for DK2 from Digikey (158 ex-stocks now), and I found a picture in STM32CubeIDE (thanks), but no initial documentation kits; since it is new, I accept I would have to wait for it. It would be helpful to have a schematic. And BOM so I can experiment with memory access via Azure FileX while waiting for the actual documentation kit to be released. Since DK2 has already been released, could I have the schematic file kit? 

In case the schematic is not available, then I was wondering if the DK2 memory circuit is the same as DK1.

Thanks, I think I have one lying around......

DK2 has only an OctoSPI flash mem (MX66LM1G45GXDI00).

No external RAM.

Schematic should be avaible when the product page will open.




Shame there is no PSRAM on the DK2, a bit limiting!



Interestingly, I have worked on a few STM32 graphic cards for Automotive apps (mostly debugging), and most have external SRAM and FLASH (4-2 year old design). I wondered what the role of external SRAM actually do and what the consequence of not having external SRAM in the context of graphic use, but MCU does have a large SRAM bank build in but not a large as external SRAM. This explains the lower cost than DK1. 

I'm learning in this area. 


fyi, if more PRAM is critical,  for lab evaluation, you may have a way to replace on the BGA24 footprint the OPI NOR by an OPI RAM (like APS25608N-OBR-BD/APS51208N-OBR-BD), but this would be only Octal, not Hexa PSRAM.

STM32U5A9J-DK/DK1 includes OPI/HPI PSRAM (APS512XXN-OBR-BG) on board



Associate II

Thank for the reminder, I had lot of misadventure with U5 due major issue with HAL library related to USB-C interface. The USB-C power management has closed source code which mad impossible to fix bug where USB-C is not working. I gave up and move on to IMX series from NXP. I still have this board and will try fine time if try USB-C again. It was a major dissappointment and it did impacted management in the department for future STM32 design. I never rely on demo code for professional work, and it need to be clear if there closed source or private code exist in the documentation so we're better informed.