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STM32U083C-DK Demo example does not compile in STM32CubeIDE (missing tsl_conf.h)

Associate III

I've run into some problems with the Demo example pulled in by the project configurations tools for the STM32U083C-DK eval board. 
The error I am getting is a missing header file.  Error message:


In file included from C:/Users/rufus/STM32CubeIDE/workspace_1.16.0/Demo/Middlewares/ST/STM32_TouchSensing_Library/src/tsl_acq.c:20:
../../Middlewares/ST/STM32_TouchSensing_Library/inc/tsl_acq.h:24:10: fatal error: tsl_conf.h: No such file or directory
   24 | #include "tsl_conf.h"


I see one tsl_conf.h in an unreferenced directory (main_app)  and two other files that appear to be renamable templates. tsl_conf_stm32l1xx_template.h and tsl_conf_tsc_template.h in the library inc directory.  They have slight different contents, so I don't know which I should attempt to use, or if they are all incorrect.
If someone could explain the file naming conventions for the library too, that would help.

P.S.  Incidentally The BSP project for STM32U083C-DK didn't build correctly either, but that was a duplicate symbol problem, so I just excluded one directory from the build, then it built without errors.


ST Employee

Hello @RufusVS ,

I tested the Demo example and cannot reproduce the error related to the missing tsl_conf.h.

This error "tsl_conf.h: No such file or directory" means that the include paths are not set up correctly or the required file is missing from your project.

For that, ensure that the include paths in your project settings are correctly configured to point to the directories containing the required header files.

The tsl_conf_stm32l1xx_template.h is specific for l1. However, the file "tsl_conf_tsc_template.h" is the generic one.
For STM32U0, it's recommended to use it as template and do the necessary modifications, as per the "tsl_conf.h" file used for the projects.

Thank you for your contribution.

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Associate II

Hi - I have the same problem with the STM32U083C-DK Demo - tsl_conf.h is definitely missing.

I see the file tsl_conf_tsc_template.h , but I have no idea how to modify this myself.

Could someone expand on the comment "do the necessary modifications".

Many thanks, John.

I have a similar problem with the demo package for STM32U083C-DK.

Using STM32CubeMX 6.12.1, I selected "New Project from a Board", Example Selector, filtered by STM32U083C-DK, and selected "Demo".

I chose "Start Project in external IDE" and chose a file path on my hard drive. In this case I chose "C:\Projects\Harry\U0\DKDemo". I chose Open with EWARM.

The project was copied to a sub-directory "C:\Projects\Harry\U0\DKDemo\Demo". This is what the first level of files looks like in the Demo folder:


The first problem when I attempted to "Make" in IAR version 9.30.1, compile error: 

'C:/Projects/Harry/U0/DKDemo/Demo/main_app/app_main.c', needed by 'C:/Projects/Harry/U0/DKDemo/Demo/EWARM/STM32U083C_DK_Demo/Obj/Application/Modules/AppMain/app_main.o', missing and no known rule to make it

The project has an "AppMain" folder that has 4 source files that do not exist anywhere in the copied project.



If I delete these 4 files from the project structure then the Make operation gets slightly further. But then I get stuck at the same place as @RufusVS.

There is no file called "tsl_conf.h" in the downloaded folder structure.

How do we move forward? Are the "Modules" and "AppMain" folders and files intentionally removed from the demo  download package? Is the "tsl_conf.h" file supposed to be contained within the "Demo" folder structure or is there some external package or reference where that file is found?


Hello All,

I reproduced the same behavior and escalated this to the appropriate team for analysis and take the necessary action via internal ticket ID 192710.

Note that the Demo is not supported by STM32CubeMX, and this mentioned in the warning when chose "Start Project in external IDE". Meanwhile, this will be fixed in the coming releases.


To properly generate the Demo application when open it with STM32CubeIDE, please make sure to have these settings in the Properties of your project:



Thank you for your contribution.

PS: Internal ticket ID 192710 is only for reference, not available outside of ST.

When your question is answered, please close this topic by clicking "Accept as Solution".

The instructions above do not fix my problem.

I imported the demo fresh from CubeMX.


This is what the project properties look like:


The imported project has no MCU GCC Assembler, or MCU GCC Compiler, or MCU GCC Linker options available.

When I attempt to build from within CubeIDE, there are no build instructions.


The CubeIDE import of the demo project seems more broken than the EWARM version.

Where on my hard drive or in the project should I find the missing project files? Or are they missing from the ST managed demo repository?



ST Employee

Hi @stakata ,

Please do not open the Demo project using CubeMx.

Try open and generate the Demo application directly from the repository: \STM32Cube_FW_U0_V1.1.0\Projects\STM32U083C-DK\Demonstration\Demo\STM32CubeIDE\

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Opening from the "STM32Cube_FW_U0_V1.1.0" repository finally worked.

What is the timeline for updating the demo projects in Cube MX so they work correctly?

I lost a lot of development time due to the assumption that demo projects in Cube MX would work.

Thank you for the support. Please update this thread when the Internal ticket ID 192710 is addressed.

Hi @stakata ,

Glad to know that the Demo works for you from the STM32CubeU0 package.:smiling_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I will keep you informed about the planning to fix the Demo in CubeMX.

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