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STM32L151C6 SWD issue

Associate II
Posted on March 17, 2015 at 22:42


I'm facing an issue while trying to program STM32L151C6 using STM32F4 Discovery board as programmer. What I did are the following:

1. I removed CN3 jumpers from STM32F4 Discovery board page 14 in [


2. I connect NRST, SWDIO, GND, SWCLK, Vdd to my target STM32L151C6 SWD pins except SWO ( I kept it floating)

Pin:number CN2 (STM32L151C6) Pin:1 Vdd Pin:2 SWCLK (PA14) Pin:3 GND Pin:4 SWDIO (PA13) Pin:5 NRST (NRST) Pin:6 SWO (No Contact)

3. I used STM32 ST-Link Utility V2.2.6 to test SWD.

The result is ''Cannot connect to ST-Link''

I've attached the schematic for my circuit design.

I really appreciate your prompt help guys to facilitate this issue. 


#swd #st-link/v2 #stm32l151c6
Associate II
Posted on February 01, 2016 at 04:52

Problem solved!

The orientation of the MCU was incorrect. I missed understand that the Pin1 is at the top left according to STM32L476xx Datasheet page 59/232. Actually, Pin1 is at bottom left according to the datasheet page 223/232.

I could not find the 'New'. I have used Ctrl+f to search for it. There is no such thing.

Thank you for your help.