2024-01-10 9:46 PM
i've recently purchased STM32H735G DK board.
When i connect it to PC via USB cable, it screen is showing output as per already programmed code and its working.
power LED (LD5) is green and STlink LED (LD6) is red.
But when ever i try to load a new code to this board, a msg is generated "fatal error st link no mcu found".
i'm unable to resolve the issue.
is it due to some jumper settings? i've kept all the jumper settings as default.
2024-01-21 5:02 AM
thanks for suggestion
i'm using IAR embedded workbench-Arm 9.10.2.
i've down loaded patch as per suggestiion from the link
i've run the patch as per advise of readme file available with patch
but still the issue is as it is.
2024-01-21 11:52 PM
my board is working with STM32cubeIDE. Program is gettign loaded and debugged.
But IAR is still giving problem.
i've one more question.
from where can i get the code which supplied with this board at the time of purchase.