2023-11-06 8:18 AM
I'm a researcher at MIT and I'm pretty new to the ST world, I'm working on a USB power delivery application for a robotics project where I would like to use an STM32 MCU + an X-NUCLEO-SRC1M1 to deliver 20V over USB-C (as well as data over D+ and D-) to a Sparkfun STUSB4500 USB-C Power Delivery Board (https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/power-delivery-board---usb-c-qwiic-hookup-guide).
After plugging in my STUSB4500 sink board, there is no negotiation completed. The source is able to send out it's power delivery capabilities, but no messages are received from the sink in the traces of STM32CubeMonitor.
OUT 471419 0 SOP PD3 s:010 H:0x27A1 (id:3, DR:DFP, PR:SRC) SRC_CAPABILITIES DATA: 0A9001002C410600
[1] Fixed : 5V - 0.1A
[2] Fixed : 20V - 3A
OUT 471421 0 SOP PD3 s:010 H:0x27A1 (id:3, DR:DFP, PR:SRC) SRC_CAPABILITIES DATA: 0A9001002C410600
[1] Fixed : 5V - 0.1A
[2] Fixed : 20V - 3A
PE 471423 0 PE_SRC_DISCOVERY 11882
OUT 471575 0 SOP PD3 s:010 H:0x29A1 (id:4, DR:DFP, PR:SRC) SRC_CAPABILITIES DATA: 0A9001002C410600
[1] Fixed : 5V - 0.1A
[2] Fixed : 20V - 3A
OUT 471576 0 SOP PD3 s:010 H:0x29A1 (id:4, DR:DFP, PR:SRC) SRC_CAPABILITIES DATA: 0A9001002C410600
[1] Fixed : 5V - 0.1A
[2] Fixed : 20V - 3A
OUT 471578 0 SOP PD3 s:010 H:0x29A1 (id:4, DR:DFP, PR:SRC) SRC_CAPABILITIES DATA: 0A9001002C410600
[1] Fixed : 5V - 0.1A
[2] Fixed : 20V - 3A
PE 471580 0 PE_SRC_DISCOVERY 11887
OUT 471732 0 SOP PD3 s:010 H:0x2BA1 (id:5, DR:DFP, PR:SRC) SRC_CAPABILITIES DATA: 0A9001002C410600
[1] Fixed : 5V - 0.1A
[2] Fixed : 20V - 3A
OUT 471733 0 SOP PD3 s:010 H:0x2BA1 (id:5, DR:DFP, PR:SRC) SRC_CAPABILITIES DATA: 0A9001002C410600
[1] Fixed : 5V - 0.1A
[2] Fixed : 20V - 3A
OUT 471735 0 SOP PD3 s:010 H:0x2BA1 (id:5, DR:DFP, PR:SRC) SRC_CAPABILITIES DATA: 0A9001002C410600
[1] Fixed : 5V - 0.1A
[2] Fixed : 20V - 3A
PE 471737 0 PE_SRC_DISCOVERY 11892
OUT 471889 0 SOP PD3 s:010 H:0x2DA1 (id:6, DR:DFP, PR:SRC) SRC_CAPABILITIES DATA: 0A9001002C410600
[1] Fixed : 5V - 0.1A
[2] Fixed : 20V - 3A
On the oscilloscope, the sink board gets a 20V spike that then decreases since the power delivery negotiation never finishes.
I do not think this is a sink issue as connecting the sink to a USB-C Dewalt charging power brick that delivers 65W can provide a sustained 20V after 5V. The negotiation seems to complete itself.
Hardware Setup:
I've connected a 20V supply to CN3 of the SRC1M1 board and validated 20V is going into the terminal. A USB-C power cable is connecting CN1 to the Sparkfun power delivery sink board. A Micro-USB cable connects the STM32 NUCLEO-G0B1RE MCU to my computer to view debug logs. I connected the oscilloscope probes to the output power terminals of the sink board.
Software Setup:
I've followed the USB PD wiki closely (https://wiki.st.com/stm32mcu/wiki/STM32StepByStep:Getting_started_with_USB-Power_Delivery_Source) and made an STM32 project using the STM Cube IDE (https://github.com/michaellu2019/STM32G0_USBPD_Source) for the Nucleo G0B1RE board. I've downloaded the STM32 Cube Monitor to see debug logs. I have also tested uploading a completed binary (https://github.com/STMicroelectronics/x-cube-tcpp/blob/main/Projects/NUCLEO-G474RE/Applications/USB_PD/SRC1M1_Source/Binary/G4_SRC1M1_Source.bin) to my Nucleo-G474RE to cross check my software, but run into the same issue of no sink communication. The Sparkfun STUSB4500 board has been configured to receive 20V 3000mA, which is one of the listed PD options in the SRC1M1.
Please let me know if there is something I'm missing in my project setup, whether that be following the wiki to set up the G0 or if downloading the G4 binary is not sufficient to set up a project. Happy to set up a call to expedite the discussion.
2023-11-06 9:17 AM
Dear @mlu0708
I think your setup on SRC side would need to be able to provide 5V first, then after negotiation something else (20V for example). If you look at oscilloscope plot when facing USB-C Dewalt charging power brick, you see that after PD port is connected from SRC side, 5V is provided as VBUS.
At this stage, SRC capa are sent, and SNK side could request something else than 5V.
When negotiated, then SRC could provide 20V, not from start.
I think that what is happening in your case, is that when SNK Rd are detected from SRC side, VBUS is provided by configuring TCCP02 Provider Gate (on SRC1M1 shield). As 20V are supplied on CN3, 20V are provided on VBUS. I assume that SNK side enters in security mode, as only expecting 5V at this stage.
2023-11-06 10:35 AM
Thx for the response @Guenael Cadier, if I understand correctly your concern is that VBus is at 20V as CN3 gets 20V, but the SNK board requests 5V first before 20V and thus enters a state where it won't negotiate power as the SRC voltage is initially too high?
So would the fix entail adding another PD option (5V, 3A which does exist already based on the traces in monitor?) or changing the voltage provided to CN3 and making it some dynamic source 5V at first then 20V?
2023-11-06 4:56 PM
USB standard requests to always start with 5V. Any PD product needs to first follow TypeC requirement which is VBUS@5V.
STUSB4500 takes care about Vbus voltage during the TypeC phase. If Vbus is above 5V limits, it detects an error and goes into ErrorRecovery state to force a detach which the 'failing source'.
To get only 20V for your application, you can set STUSB4500 'ABOVE5V bit' and setup only 2 PDOs (5V which is mandatory and 20V), in the NVM. stusb4500 will then negotiate 20V when it is available in source_capabilities and close the power path only after 20V negotiation.
But source needs always to start with 5V in TypeC, provides its source_capabilities and upon request, provide 20V.
Best regards
2023-11-06 8:15 PM - edited 2023-11-06 8:42 PM
Thank you for the clarification @NBALL and @Guenael Cadier. Are either of you able to provide any concrete steps to configure the SRC1M1 board to complete this 5V to 20V transition, as it seems that following example wikis and preconfigured binaries does not achieve this? I was under the impression that all this would work out of the box.
I believe the STUSB4500 is already configured to accept this (given the oscilloscope capture with a USB-C PD brick), so I suspect it's a matter of the "source needs always to start with 5V in TypeC" as you said. Are there any examples online where a the SRC1M1 is configured to provide more than 5V?
2023-11-06 9:21 PM
I would suggest to use STEVAL-2STPD01 which embeds DCDC converter and is able to change DCDC voltage based on stusb4500 request. It is also stm32G0+TCPP02 (like your today setup) but also STPD01 DCDC.
With board you are currently using, you would have to use GPIO to change voltage regulation of your power source, based on sink (stusb4500) request.
Best regards
2023-11-07 5:08 AM
Hi @NBALL, before I go off and spend money on another ST board, it would be great if you could provide more specificity or documentation on this GPIO configuration process you mentioned. That would be very helpful. Thanks.
2023-11-07 8:27 AM
Hello @mlu0708
STEVAL-2TPD01, USB Type-C Power Delivery dual port adapter based on programmable buck converter (60W for each port), documentation is available on web on documentation tab. User manual details technical behavior while the Quick Start Guide provides a kit overview + basic setup & programming.
Below, documentation extract shows architecture block diagram with main part numbers to performs key functions (DC/DCs, MCU, HV interfaces and protections) and links between them.
SW and HW resources are also available.
Best regards,
2023-11-07 1:47 PM
@MROUV.1 I was referring to the Nucleo-SRC1M1, asking for documentation on how to delivery up to 20V of power, and specifically documentation that is not just the data sheet and getting started guide and wiki (which I have already looked at multiple times). Thanks!
2023-11-07 4:42 PM
Dear mlu0708,
STEVAL-2TPD01 software handles voltage changes based on sink request. It can be found in usbpd_dpm_user.c and usbpd_pwr_if.c.
Each time a request is accepted by source, it will start to change its output voltage to update Vbus output.
STEVAL-2TPD01 is an example. Based on this, you could also set GPIO on your nucleo board to trig the change on your own supply: in a lab it can be to turn on relay to (turn on 20V on SRC connector) & (turn off 5V).
usbpd_pdo_defs.h needs to list then 2 PDOs: 5V and 20V.
Best regards