2022-12-08 3:39 PM
Hello, I am working on the project from scratch. I would like to know what are the minimum connections I will need for the STM32F429VIT6 in order to program? I have segger J-Link which I will be using. so far I have connect SWCLK (Pin 76), SWDIO (Pin 72), TDI (Pin 77), NJTRST (pin 90), and Vref 3.3V (Pin 75) and VSS (GND) (Pin 74). Is that the bare minimum connection I will need to connect the board and start programming? I did check the Datasheet, Ref manual and programming guide but I am not 100% sure. I am getting an error.
2022-12-09 2:45 PM
2022-12-09 3:31 PM
Hello TDK & AScha, I did check the document you send me and saw the Figure 19. and made connections but still no success. Please see the attached.
2022-12-09 3:34 PM
Hello AScha,
Yes I did follow your guidance and was able to connect boot0 to GND and also RST to 100nf cap and ground it. Still not working.
2022-12-09 4:54 PM
Caps should be placed next to the chip, not on a breadboard many inches away. What you're doing might work, if you get the connections right, but using a nucleo board seems like a better option.
2022-12-09 5:14 PM
Got it. Nucleo and discovery works great. But not with STM32F429VIT6 . I want to try this board because one of my project I cannot fit the entire board and I just want bare minimum.
2022-12-10 11:59 PM
with these long leads connecting vcc, gnd and the cer.caps -> no chance.
you have a chance to get it running, when you