2020-04-14 3:23 AM
Hi, we have purchased STM32F429 DISCOVERY KIT board. It has STM32F429ZI MCU. Data required for me is "What is voltage level(0V or 3.3V or 5V) of all the signals which are available at the connectors to probe ? and what is VIH, VIL, VOH, VOL of all that signals. What is signal type(Push pull or Open drain or CMOS) of that signals ? I couldn't see those details in the datsheet. Please help me at the earlieast.
2020-04-14 3:51 AM
What document are you looking at?
You need UM1670 for the board connectors, and DS9405 for the MCU itself. Look for pin and ball definitions and I/O port characteristics in the MCU datasheet.
Input, push-pull or open-drain output mode is configured by software.