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STM32F072C8T6 - Device not found - struggling!

Associate II


I am working with STM32F103 and STM32F072. The first one (103) works very well without any problem. The second one (072) does not work.

I'm using the stlinkv2, connected via SWD to my board (schematic is correct).

BOOT0 pin is tied to gnd with a resistor. The reset occurs once I press debug on stmcubeIDE but it can not find the device.

Why did it find without problem the stm32f103 and not the 072?

What can be the problem? The boot0, reset and supply management are both the same!



Error in initializing ST-LINK device.

Reason: No device found on target.


I have 2 board.. it's kinda impossible it's broken on both.

Does it exists a possibility that PA13 and PA14 are programmed to be used in another way and not with SWD?

I found on internet some solution that says to put BOOT0 high, erase the chip, then put it back to gnd

it is possibile that this can cause the problem? My core clock is 8MHz but I can not change it0693W000007D1FzQAK.png