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STM32CubeProgrammer STM32H743 UART, Failed to read memory at address 0x08000000 during verification

Associate III

Hello All,

I am trying to get UART programming to work reliably on an STM32H743.

When I try and upload firmware I get the following output:

"      -------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n                       STM32CubeProgrammer v2.5.0                  \r\n      -------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n\r\nSerial Port COM20 is successfully opened.\r\nPort configuration: parity = even, baudrate = 115200, data-bit = 8,\r\n                     stop-bit = 1.0, flow-control = off\r\nActivating device: OK\r\nChip ID: 0x450 \r\nBootLoader protocol version: 3.1\r\n\r\n\r\nMemory Programming ...\r\nOpening and parsing file: DSPBoardH7.elf\r\n  File          : DSPBoardH7.elf\r\n  Size          : 140304 Bytes\r\n  Address       : 0x08000000 \r\n\r\n\r\nErasing memory corresponding to segment 0:\r\nDownload in Progress:\r\n\xB1\xB1\xB1\xB1\xB1\xB1\xB1\xB1\xB1\xB1\xB1\xB1\xB1\xB1\xB1\xB1\xB1\xB1\xB1\xB1\xB1\xB1\xB1\xB1\xB1\xB1\xB1\xB1\xB1\xB1\xB1\xB1\xB1\xB1\xB1\xB1\xB1\xB1\xB1\xB1\xB1\xB1\xB1\xB1\xB1\xB1\xB1\xB1\xB1\xB1 0%\r\xDB  2%\xDB  4%\xDB  6%\xDB  8%\xDB 10%\xDB 12%\xDB 14%\xDB 16%\xDB 18%\xDB 20%\xDB 22%\xDB 24%\xDB 26%\xDB 28%\xDB 30%\xDB 32%\xDB 34%\xDB 36%\xDB 38%\xDB 40%\xDB 42%\xDB 44%\xDB 46%\xDB 48%\xDB 50%\xDB 52%\xDB 54%\xDB 56%\xDB 58%\xDB 60%\xDB 62%\xDB 64%\xDB 66%\xDB 68%\xDB 70%\xDB 72%\xDB 74%\xDB 76%\xDB 78%\xDB 80%\xDB 82%\xDB 84%\xDB 86%\xDB 88%\xDB 90%\xDB 92%\xDB 94%\xDB 96%\xDB 98%\xDB 100%\r\n\r\nFile download complete\r\nTime elapsed during download operation: 00:00:35.114\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nVerifying ...\r\n\r\n\r\nRead progress:\r\n\xB1\xB1\xB1\xB1\xB1\xB1\xB1\xB1\xB1\xB1\xB1\xB1\xB1\xB1\xB1\xB1\xB1\xB1\xB1\xB1\xB1\xB1\xB1\xB1\xB1\xB1\xB1\xB1\xB1\xB1\xB1\xB1\xB1\xB1\xB1\xB1\xB1\xB1\xB1\xB1\xB1\xB1\xB1\xB1\xB1\xB1\xB1\xB1\xB1\xB1 50%\r\r\n\r\nError: Read Serial Response timed out.\r\n\r\n\r\nError: Error occured during memory read at address 0x08000200\r\n\r\n\r\nError: Failed to read memory at address 0x08000000 during verification\r\n\r\n\r\nError: Download verification failed\r\n\r\n\r\n"

I have tried fully erasing first using stlinkv3, setting readprotection to disabled etc. nothing seems to work.

The same procedure works on an stm32f4 fine. Any Ideas what I could be missing or doing wrong?



Associate III

This error only sometimes arises. But when it does. It puts the chip into a state where I can no longer connect via UART (with boot pin held high and a subsequent reset). It seems once it is in this "state" the only way I can get out of it is to program via a STLink. If I can find a solution to never get into this state that fixes most issues. however I have seen the error occur every once in a while. perhaps it is due to plugging/unplugging programming pins when I use a stlink? It seems very hard to reproduce. Any Ideas of what could be causing it would be greatly helpful.