2019-11-05 5:03 AM
MCU not getting selected. Referred tutorial given in STM website. Using STLink debugging configuration.
Any extra jumper connection in board required ?? Please inform if any.
Development Board - STM32 Discovery L475 MCU
2019-11-05 5:55 AM
There is a manual describing the jumpers. Pair of jumpers specifically connect SWDIO/SWCLK
Try changing connection options/speed. Try 4 MHz setting
Check if you can access with ST-LINK Utilities or STM32 Cube Programmer applications
2019-11-05 6:45 AM
Looks like you toolchain is Atollic TrueStudio, wich does not exist anymore.
Hence, the toolchain/debugger does not know about the newer L4xx MCU, as the error message says.
2019-11-05 8:50 PM
Hello Sir,
Thanks for the quick reply, Please let me know whether it will work with STM Cube IDE.
Even Atollic True Studio has the support and lists the board in the Project Selection UI.
Thanks and Regards
Kaushik M.K.