2021-10-01 09:38 AM
I have a stlink v3 mini and it gets very hot only when connecting to the usb port without connecting anything to the debbuger terminals, even so I connect it to the card to program and program without problems, but after a few minutes, it sends connection errors in the stm32 cube programmer.
2021-10-01 12:40 PM
It shouldn't. Mine gets at most luke warm when connected to USB only. Maybe yours is broken. You could try a firmware upgrade from STM32CubeProgrammer as a last resort.
2021-10-01 04:47 PM
Try a different usb cable, and plug directly on pc in case of using hub, to investigate.
2021-11-06 06:01 AM
shortly after, the pc no longer detected it, the microcontroller still gets very hot. Buy another. I think the microcontroller is damaged, do you think you can get the firmware? to replace the microcontroller and re-program it?
2021-11-06 07:26 AM
One of my two stlink v3 min got very ot too.
I suspect an unimportant output shorted to ground, because debugging works without errors for about ten minutes,
then this v3 mini lost connection sooner or later.
I've measure temperature of both after 5 minutes connected to the PC and got 45°C and 87°C.
One day I forgot to disconnect this V3 mini after debugging my short program and it died - I suppose,, yours will will go the same way.
2021-11-06 08:42 AM
indeed, he has already died. What model of programmer is protected?