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STLink on STM32F4 discovery board does not work.

Associate II

The built in STLink on STM32f4 board is not working. I have used this board for several months and suddenly the STLink is not working.

ST32F4 discovery board - MB997 D 01

In windows when I connect the board, it shows the error 43 (device descriptor failed). And in the ST Link the LD1 blinks red. The STLink does not get identified by STLink utility.



Is is possible you shorted out or damaged the board in some way?

Same cable as before?

Perhaps using a multimeter or scope probe a couple of the supply/power rails, per schematic.

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I used the same cable as before. I do not think I damaged the board hardware. I checked using the multimeter and it seems okay with power supply. What my guess is there is a software issue with the STLink MCU

Not sure how that would have sustained bit rot. Did you update the firmware on it and did that fail?

I​f code running on the F4 is the problem, strap BOOT0 to VDD, and if you can connect then, erase the code that's on the F4

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The code running on F4 does not have an effect on this. I tried removing the STLink jumpers and connecting the STLink to the PC and the same error occurs. I flashed the F4 using an external STLink and the board was working. so there is no issue with the F4.

Before this happened I actually updated the STLink firmware. If that is the problem, is there a solution for that?

>>Before this happened I actually updated the STLink firmware.

From what to what?

It is possible to downgrade the firmware by pulling the older update applications

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I think I can not do anything using the STLink utility because the STLink does not get identified by Windows due to error 43 ( device descriptor failed ) .

>>From what to what

I do not remember the exact version. But I think I did this a month or two ago. I think I updated to the latest version at that time.

If I damaged the hardware in anyway is there a exact way to find out the damage using a multimeter and to fix the damage.