2013-07-06 3:27 PM
Have been playing around with ADC/DAC for my discovery board and the comunications to the debugger suddenly stopped functioning and i can nolonger flash the board or debug.
Strange as it just seemed to give up. I get the slow blinking pre-coms LED but every operation complain of communication errors( e.g. Error: Connect failed, check config and cable connection)The last program i uploaded to the board still works so its not a general failure.None of my projects work anymore. The debug setting are the same/have not changed. I feel like there is a corruption in the STLINK firmware on the board.Questions:Is there a way i can reset the board back to its manufacturer defaults?Is there a way i can attempt to reflash the STLINK firmware?Is there some other means of diagnosing issues with the debugger?Any Ideas in general would be welcome. #stlink-debugging-usb2013-07-06 3:49 PM
Reset the board with BOOT(0) High (3V), this will bring it up with the System Loader instead of your broken code, erase the device and reprogram, either with ST-Link Utilities or your tool chain.
2013-07-06 4:49 PM
Thanks for the speedy reply, can i just jump the +3V on the board to the BOOT0 when its plugged in to USB supply or do i need an external power supply?
2013-07-06 7:25 PM
VDD from the board should suffice. Use micro-grippers, or jumper to the rear of the board.
2013-07-06 11:34 PM
Thanks for your suggestions, i was really excited i had a solution but after several reboots of my PC i really think I have somehow damaged my board. It does not seem to respond anymore. I will try to reinstall the USB driver but im not optimistic that it will work. Any other suggestions welcome.
2013-07-08 2:01 AM
OK well it looks like this is going into the ''too hard'' basket. But before I throw my discovery board in the bin, here is one last post to state what i have learned about the state of my board.
I reinstalled the STLINK driver. (No effect)I installed the STLINK/V2 Utility.I flashed the STLINK firmware (No effect)However if i change the settings connection mode to ''Connect Under Reset''I can read/write/erase my board. (This gets me a bit further)If i change the connection mode to Normal i get ''No target connected''My IDE (Coocox1.7.3) cannot flash/erase/debug at all.If this sounds familiar to anyone who has come across this before or has any usful suggestions to that helps solve this issue, I will buy them a beer ;). Otherwise i can only admit defeat and purchase a new board.Cheers2015-01-31 3:40 AM