2022-06-23 3:10 AM
Cube programmer (and st-link utility) cannot find the target when I try to connect to flash a device. I am using the SWD connection to my target. I have connected T_Vcc, gnd, clk, dio & nrst on CN6 of the MB1440B mezzanine board. Cube programmer recognises the st-link, sees 3.2v on the target vcc, but always reports "Error No STM32 target found".
I have tried the same connections on the same target using a st-link V2 on a Nucleo board, and that works ok. I have also tried the Nucleo against a blue pill target, and again that works. Neither target is recognised by the st-link V3. Are there any special settings in cube programmer (or st-link utility) I need to look at? As far as I know, I have the latest drivers and firmware installed on the st-link v3.
2022-06-28 8:28 AM
Hello @nonesuchevitt,
Thank you for posting and sorry for the late reply,
I couldn't reproduce your issue on my side, could you please describe your connections precisely. I tested using a NUCLEO-L452RE, my connections are as follows (Please refer to UM1724 page 28) :
T_VCC => CN6 (4)
CLK => CN7(15)
GND => CN6(6)
DIO => CN7(13)
NRST => CN6(3)
I was able to connect using STM32CubeProgrammer and ST-LINK Utility. As far as I know, there are no special settings to configure.
Looking forward to your response.
Best regards,
2022-06-28 9:30 AM
Thanks for taking the time to answer. However, it still does not work. I connected a Nucleo452RE board as you specified, and powered it via the nucleo USB mini port. I removed the CN2 jumpers at the top of the nucleo board just in case. In the STM cube programmer output I see only:
17:24:10 : ST-LINK SN : 001900283137510839383538
17:24:10 : ST-LINK FW : V3J9M3B5S1
17:24:10 : Board : STLINK-V3SET
17:24:10 : Voltage : 3.26V
17:24:10 : No STM32 target found!
17:24:10 : ST-LINK SN : 001900283137510839383538
17:24:10 : ST-LINK FW : V3J9M3B5S1
17:24:10 : Board : STLINK-V3SET
17:24:10 : Voltage : 3.26V
17:24:10 : Error: No STM32 target found!
2022-06-28 9:49 AM
Does seem a bit odd, have you tried knocking down the connection speed to 1 or 2 MHz?
Or connect/reset options. Behave differently with BOOT0 pulled HIGH?
Device's tend to go into low power modes
2022-06-28 10:07 AM
I've tried all different combinations of connection speed, frequency, reset mode etc. Still no joy.