2014-01-11 3:01 AM
How can I debug stm32 apps by st-link/v2 on Macintosh?
Where are drivers of st-link/v2 for OS X Mavericks? #stlink-macintosh-st-link/v2-ma2014-01-13 2:52 AM
''How can I debug stm32 apps by st-link/v2 on Macintosh?'' You need a toolchain for Machinosh! As far as I am aware - there are not any. You could try one of the virtualisations (eg VMWare) to run a PC emulation on the mac.2014-01-13 6:43 PM
I build/compile project in eclipse + GNU ARM Plugin + GNU Toolchain for ARMI'm looking for OpenOCD binaries for Mac OS X2014-01-14 2:54 AM
''I'm looking for OpenOCD binaries for Mac OS X'' I am not sure you understand what OpenOCD is. OpenOCD is a 'debugger' - it is a 'dongle' that interprets debug commands and communicates with a target processor. A OpenOCD binary will be targeted to an implementation (hardware) http://www.amontec.com/openocd.shtml Or you build your own, that is the point of open hardware. This connects to the ARM processor so you can debug on it. On top of that, you need an application that will talk to the OpenOCD so that you can debug. The application will : download the binary into the ARM Interpret you source code with the assembler at the current program count. Set, clear breakpoints. Allow you to control execution flow (run, step, step into, step over etc) ''I build/compile project in eclipse + GNU ARM Plugin + GNU Toolchain for ARM'' This is only the tool chain that builds the binary.2014-01-14 6:51 AM
I build/compile my C projects for stm32 in Eclipse by arm-none-eabiIn MS windows I debug this projects in Eclipse + OpenOCD. I've downloaded OpenOCD binaries for Windows from http://www.freddiechopin.info/en/download/category/4-openocdNow I want do it in Mac OS X, but can't find OpenOCD binaries for OS X.Where can i find it?2014-01-14 7:07 AM
Do not know. Did you search the internet? I found this page if info : http://www.rau-deaver.org/MacOPENOCD.html2014-01-14 10:21 AM
I have done it on Mac!
Open On-Chip Debugger 0.7.0 (2014-01-15-00:11)
Licensed under GNU GPL v2
For bug reports, read
shutdown command invoked
Info : This adapter doesn't support configurable speed
Info : STLINK v2 JTAG v17 API v2 SWIM v0 VID 0x0483 PID 0x3748
Info : Target voltage: 2.901239
Info : stm32f4x.cpu: hardware has 6 breakpoints, 4 watchpoints
How?brew install openocd