2014-01-21 2:03 PM
Hi, I've been using the STM32F429 disco for a month or so and never had any problems. I connected my disco board via usb to my pc today and I keep getting the ''No target connected'' message when I try to download compiled code to the board. I've checked the debug settings and no SW link device is found and similarly in the ST-LINK Utility I cannot get the disco board to connect. The program that I downloaded onto the board a couple of days ago still runs with no problems.
Please could someone help me with problem as I've never come across this before? Cheers :) #stm32f429 #discovery #st-link2014-01-21 2:55 PM
Jumper the BOOT0 pin to the VDD pin next to it, and reset the board. If this allows you to erase and modify the code loaded, then it is likely that the code you have running is blocking access via SWD. This could be for any number of reasons, including modifying the GPIO pins related to SWD, DMA, WFI loops, or low power modes.
2014-01-21 3:25 PM
Hi, thanks for the quick reply. I have tried this and produces the same result; still no core-sight device connected :\
2014-01-21 3:48 PM
Think I might have figured out why it has done this... I configured PA7 as an analog input for ADC1 conversion (since free GPIO ADC pins are sparse on this disco board). Do you think this could be the problem since this pin has something to do with SW on CN3? How would I solve this... re-flash firmware? Cheers
2014-01-21 4:04 PM
Don't know how but the board is magically working again?!?! Thanks for your help :)
2014-01-21 5:57 PM
PA7, not so much, got to watch PA13(SWDIO)/PA14(SWCLK), and a lesser extent PB3 (SWO) but that might be behind a solder bridge.
Yes the ADC options here are a mess, the board pretty much sucks up all usable pins for LCD and SDRAM.