2021-09-20 2:45 PM
I am currently trying to connect the ST-LINK/V2 to my custom board which is using a STM32F446RC. I am able to detect the ST-LINK using both the STM32CubeIDE or the STM32 ST-LINK utility, however this is only displaying the serial number. but it is failing to detect the target (MCU).
I have added a picture of the header on the custom board and the header am using for guidance.
Am not sure whether to use the JTAG connections or the SWD connection guidelines.
2021-09-21 3:08 PM
@TDK and @Community member using the ST-LINK Utility tool I get the follow error message when set to openOCD:
Info : Target voltage: 0.001567
Error: target voltage may be too low for reliable debugging
The voltage varies but it is usually below 1 V
2021-09-21 3:19 PM
Suggests you're not connecting the target VCC to pin 1 or 2 of the ST-LINK JTAG header, or your device isn't powered. Orange Dot is Pin 1 location
2021-09-21 3:20 PM
What "ST-LINK/V2" are you using exactly? How exactly do you have wires going from that to your target board?