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ST-LINK/V2 Failed to detect STM32F446RC on custom board with pin headers shown in images.

Associate II


I am currently trying to connect the ST-LINK/V2 to my custom board which is using a STM32F446RC. I am able to detect the ST-LINK using both the STM32CubeIDE or the STM32 ST-LINK utility, however this is only displaying the serial number. but it is failing to detect the target (MCU).

I have added a picture of the header on the custom board and the header am using for guidance.

Am not sure whether to use the JTAG connections or the SWD connection guidelines.


Seems like your pin numbering is completely rotated vs ARM 10-pin

Just use the SWD connections, the ST-LINK expects 3.3V on Pin 1 or 2 of their header


NRST allows for connect under reset

SWO/TDO allows for debug channel

Check orientation of your STM32

Make sure VDDA is powered

Check voltage/caps of VCAP pins, should see 1.25 V or about

Check level on NRST, should be high

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@Community member​ Thank you for replying. So I tried connecting it using the SWD connections. I have attached a picture of the table I used for connection. the SWO pin would be PB3 on the custom board header. Everything else maps the same. I still receive a fail connection.

Using the STM32CubeIDE I change the debugger configuration to openOCD just for the sake of getting some output, the error I receive on the console is the following:

Error: target voltage may be too low for reliable debugging

Error: init mode failed (unable to connect to the target)

Using GDB server I get:

Error in initializing ST-LINK device.

Reason: No device found on target.

The BOOT0 and BOOT1 are both hard-wired to GND on the custom board

The reading on the VCAP is about 4.2 mV

Additionally, if I disconnect the ST-LINK/V2 from the computer but leave it connected to the custom board, the ST-LINK/V2 led stays on. Am not sure if this is a positive indication.

Apologies, the VCAP pin has a voltage of 1.14 V and NRST is high.

I however wired the BOOT0 and BOOT1 to ground, which means is booting from the user flash memory. Could this be the issue?


Recheck connections. If it's not detecting the target voltage is 3.3V, something is off. BOOTx connection doesn't matter for debugging, unless your program reassigns SWD pins.

Try STM32CubeProgrammer.

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No shouldn't matter. It does however foreclose on the ability to get a signs-of-life response from the System Loader via a USART

The inability to connect typically falls into two categories, the wrong pins, or device non-functional.

The ST-LINK via Utilities or STM32 Cube Programmer, should be able to report the VCC / VTarget voltage

NRST High suggests the analogue side is powered.

Close to 1.2V on the VCAPs suggests orientation is correct.

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Associate II

Thank you @Community member​ and @TDK​ I will go ahead and probe the SWD and SWCLK. I will post schematics along with the results from the probing.