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What is the difference between ST-LINK/V2-1 and V2? Where can I buy v2-1?
Or are you buying v2 and updating the firmware?


The V2-1 variant is the one used on NUCLEO / DISCO / EVAL boards, it provides for the VCP and MSC, and support for mbed. ie comes with a COM port for UART connectivity and drag-n-drop on binary firmware.

You can't just update the firmware, as a different more powerful STM32F103 was used, and where are those pins/functionality going to come out?

New, you'd want to be looking at getting an ST-LINK/V3 model

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Keep in mind that ST-LINK/V3 only works with STM32 parts.

Chief II

ST-LINK/V2-1 is onboard on (many) STM boards (nucleo, disco..); V2 is the separate debug probe.

ST-LINK/V2-1 has  VCP and "Virtual Disk" to flash a file , V2 has not.

(You cannot change V2 -> V2-1 by update.)

ST-LINK/V3 (mods, miniE ) has it also and is faster (hi-speed USB), so this is the actual "right" one .

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Not sure that was the question asked, but Segger J-Link and CMSIS-DAP would be more general alternatives.

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So could I use the microB to USB cable like when I used the Nucleo board?

For..what ?

+ Which nucleo ?

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