2011-10-02 5:29 AM
Hi everyone,
I recently bought a STM32 discovery board and it seems that the ST-link is not functioning properly when I run ST-link utility it says no ST link detected, I made sure that it is in SWD mode and I have got two jumpers connected on CN3(I have attached a photo of my setup). I am new to this and I'm not sure what might be going wrong so any help will be appreciated. #st-link-not-connected-discovery2011-10-02 2:30 PM
Well I found a fix to my problem in STM discovery thread, my board was working fine with STVP so I replaced ST utility's/ GDB server's STLinkUSBDriver.dll with the one in STVP install dir and its working perfectly now.
2011-11-12 8:42 AM
Thanks for an idea.
Go to C:\Program Files\Atollic\TrueSTUDIO for STMicroelectronics STM32 Lite 2.2.0\Servers\ST-LINK_gdbserver Rename STLinkUSBDriver.dll to STLinkUSBDriver_too_new.dll Get from yours personal archive right STLinkUSBDriver.dll versions: ''too new'' = ; ''good'' = Regards2011-11-29 2:34 PM
I had the same problem and was trying all kind of solutions (connecting boot pin, installing old ST LINK drivers, removing all kind of software, because it was working before). Nothing helped.
As it appears, DEAMON Tools or more particularly virtual drives are conflicting with latest ST LINK 4.2.2. After uninstalling it, all started to work. As it appears, it was possible to assign different drive letters. Good article on this here:http://www.atollic.com/index.php/kb/kbdebugging/3-debugging/28-kb_st_link_connection_error
2011-12-11 5:42 AM
2011-12-11 7:44 AM
Is anywhere version available?
Packaged with several IDE that support ST-LINK. I've attached
2011-12-11 9:21 AM
Packaged with several IDE that support ST-LINK. I've attached
Thanks for reply. Which one exactly? Attolic has version.2011-12-11 4:10 PM
Thanks for reply. Which one exactly? Attolic has version.
Then obviously an EARLIER version of Atollic, from the March/April 2010 time frame, or something like Keil 4.12, but I ATTACHED the DLL to the preceding post to negate the need to actually search for it.2012-03-09 2:43 PM
Can't find the attachment, can you please re-upload it? Thanks!
2012-03-09 9:44 PM
https://my.st.com/public/STe2ecommunities/mcu/Lists/STM32VLDiscovery/DispForm.aspx?ID=936&RootFolder=/public/STe2ecommunities/mcu/Lists/STM32VLDiscovery/ST link not working&Source=https://my.st.com/public/STe2ecommunities/mcu/Lists/STM32VLDiscovery/Flat.aspx?RootFolder%3D%252fpublic%252fSTe2ecommunities%252fmcu%252fLists%252fSTM32VLDiscovery%252fST%2520link%2520not%2520working%26FolderCTID%3D0x01200200770978C69A1141439FE559EB459D758000491D59B8574F8049B5DFA3E8B21CBA51%26TopicsView%3Dhttps%253A%252F%252Fmy%252Est%252Ecom%252Fpublic%252FSTe2ecommunities%252Fmcu%252FLists%252FSTM32VLDiscovery%252FAllItems%252Easpx%26currentviews%3D681