2019-07-21 8:16 AM
Hello! The problem is ST-Link V3 not always connect to the target with ST-Link GDB Server. It can connect one time, but next ten times doesn't connect. Reboot the programmer or reboot target doesn't help. With OpenOCD - works great with the same cabel and target device. China's clone J-Link also work fine. Just with ST-Link V3 together ST-Link GDB Server there is a problem.
2019-07-21 8:49 AM
Probably you need to connect under reset.
2019-07-21 9:03 AM
2019-07-21 11:00 AM
I think it's a bug in CubeIDE. Because if i once connect to the target, next stop debuging and then try to debug again - i couldn't connect. But if go to debug settings and make some changes (doesn't matter wich one, for example check/uncheck "wait for synk packet" and push "apply" ) - than will be connection success.
2019-07-31 9:51 AM
Still can't resolve problem with connection to the target with ST-Link GDB server. For example, after connection secondary connection couldn't be success. Doesn't matter how many times i'll try to connect. Connection will be fail. Firmware is flashing successfully but doesn't starts. But if I erase chip with ST-Link Utility or CubeProg - connection will be success with 100% probability. Who knows what's the problem?
With OpenOCD - no problem. I can connect or disconnect infinitely number of times with the same cable and device. China's J-link also work with this board and cable. Only St-Link GDB server calls pain in the pain in the down of back