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SMPS power Regulator is not being set in STM32U575.

Associate III

I am trying to set up SMPS power Regulator for low power operation. I am using Nucleo-U575ZI-Q board. I set the bit in CR3 register but bit in SVMSR is not being set.

Do anyone have idea what can be wrong? Is there something that I am missing?

ST Employee

Hello @nilesh-dryad​ 

Did you enable the RCC->AHB3ENR PWREN (bit 2) before poking the PWR->CR3 REGSEL to 1 ?

Then yes, you you see switch the SVMSR toggling to 1.



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Associate III


Thank you for your quick reply.

I am using the example from STM32CubeIDE for Nucleo-U575 without any change. Am I supposed to change anything in example?


Nilesh Vora

Typically the PWR peripheral is enabled via HAL_Init() and its call to HAL_MspInit() stm32u5xx_hal_msp.c

The SMPS settings via SystemPower_Config()

See example


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I checked Hal_Init function, it is set. Do I need to set any jumper or solder bridge on Nucleo board? I checked the user manual of the nucleo board. I didn't find anything related to SMPS.

It is enabled. I checked it. I don't understand why the sample examples are not working on nucleo board.

I also checked TX_LOWPOWER example, it is also not working. Power consumption is always around 60ma. Tickless idle also does not seem to work. I didn't try all the examples.

ST Employee

Examples should work straight away without any change on the board.

For Tx_LowPower, LED_GREEN toggles every 500ms for 5 seconds each time user press the user button (consumption ~4/5uA). Something looks wrong on your Nucleo MB1449 board. Consumption under reset ~550uA (black button keep pressed and IDD measure on pin 2 of JP5 means on VDD_MCU side)


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Associate III

Strange. I have 3 Nuclen board with me. I tried on two. I didn't work but today I opened the 3rd one and the examples worked on the 3rd one. So the SMPS regulator worked on 3rd one.

ST Employee

Yes, strange... as the board is tested in production...

When you say the 2 first boards are not working, the issue is only on SMPS that doesn't start on the board ?

Is the on-board SMPS on JP4 @1.8V ok ?

60mA is so high ! The U575 doesn't consumes so much on LDO @160MHz at 25°C.... (cf datasheet)

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Associate III

If you switch to LDO on those two boards then it works fine.

One more question: Do I need to switch to 1.8V if I enable SMPS power regulator?