2025-03-15 2:42 AM
I've designed a custom board using the STM32H747I MCU, following the STM32H747I-DISCO reference design. In my design, I've connected VLXSMPS to VDDLDO, similar to the reference design.
I'm currently setting up the power configuration in STM32CubeIDE and need clarification on the correct HAL_PWREx_ConfigSupply() parameter to use. My options seem to be:
#define PWR_DIRECT_SMPS_SUPPLY PWR_CR3_SMPSEN /*!< Core domains are supplied from the SMPS only */
#define PWR_SMPS_1V8_SUPPLIES_LDO (PWR_CR3_SMPSLEVEL_0 | PWR_CR3_SMPSEN | PWR_CR3_LDOEN) /*!< The SMPS 1.8V output supplies the LDO which supplies the Core domains */
#define PWR_SMPS_2V5_SUPPLIES_LDO (PWR_CR3_SMPSLEVEL_1 | PWR_CR3_SMPSEN | PWR_CR3_LDOEN) /*!< The SMPS 2.5V output supplies the LDO which supplies the Core domains */
#define PWR_SMPS_1V8_SUPPLIES_EXT_AND_LDO (PWR_CR3_SMPSLEVEL_0 | PWR_CR3_SMPSEXTHP | PWR_CR3_SMPSEN | PWR_CR3_LDOEN) /*!< The SMPS 1.8V output supplies an external circuits and the LDO. The Core domains are supplied from the LDO */
#define PWR_SMPS_2V5_SUPPLIES_EXT_AND_LDO (PWR_CR3_SMPSLEVEL_1 | PWR_CR3_SMPSEXTHP | PWR_CR3_SMPSEN | PWR_CR3_LDOEN) /*!< The SMPS 2.5V output supplies an external circuits and the LDO. The Core domains are supplied from the LDO */
#define PWR_SMPS_1V8_SUPPLIES_EXT (PWR_CR3_SMPSLEVEL_0 | PWR_CR3_SMPSEXTHP | PWR_CR3_SMPSEN | PWR_CR3_BYPASS) /*!< The SMPS 1.8V output supplies an external source which supplies the Core domains */
#define PWR_SMPS_2V5_SUPPLIES_EXT (PWR_CR3_SMPSLEVEL_1 | PWR_CR3_SMPSEXTHP | PWR_CR3_SMPSEN | PWR_CR3_BYPASS) /*!< The SMPS 2.5V output supplies an external source which supplies the Core domains */
#endif /* defined (SMPS) */
#define PWR_EXTERNAL_SOURCE_SUPPLY PWR_CR3_BYPASS /*!< The SMPS disabled and the LDO Bypass. The Core domains are supplied from an external source */
Which is the correct configuration for a board based on the STM32H747I-DISCO reference design, also for my custom board?