2024-09-15 3:52 PM
When programming STM32H745i with St-link v2 I notice that the display does not turn on, only LD2 flashes red and can not load the code giving the following message:
stmcubeide v1.16.0 upgraded stlink v2 without problems and recognizes it well.
In the schematic I did not seem to see any jumper that has to do with the power supply of the st-link.
Did I miss to do something besides connecting (SWDIO,GND,SWCLK,3.3V)?
I even tried to power it by USB and connect the st-link v2 without the 3.3V but it didn't work either.
2024-09-15 6:30 PM
Is this an ST-LINK on a NUCLEO board?
Disconnect the local target, two jumpers.
Try with STM32 Cube Programmer directly.
Check Target is properly powered and functional. Check voltage at VCAP.
Share circuit diagram for your board
2024-09-16 5:21 AM