2020-11-11 03:12 AM
I am trying to program STM32H743ZI MCU Using external stlinkv2 programmer the reason is to confirm stlinkv2 working..
I made following changes to STM32H743ZI Board
1.connected JP1(ON) to make STlink V3 reset.
2.provided power through USB Charging changed Jumper settings JP2 to CHGR.
3.connected SWDIO,SWO,SWCLK,VDD,GND,NRST signals from STLINK Debugger to CN5 MIPI-10 debug connector.
wanted to know any more changes to make to Flash the code using .
4.Removed JP3 (OFF) As reset is provided by stlinkv2 NRST signal to MCU
stlinkv2debugger/programmer by bypassing in circuit debugger STLinkv3
Any help is highly appreciated.