2020-10-05 9:53 PM
ST-LINK/V2 Flash programming is not working. Board is based on STM32F303C6, tested with STM32CubeProgrammer API v2.3.0.
Target voltage shows up 1.56V, sometime less. Find Attached STM32CubeProgrammer log for reference.
Can you please tell me what would be the issue?
2020-10-05 10:06 PM
Specific details on the board design and connectivity might be more helpful...
2020-10-06 12:22 AM
STM32F303C6 board has own 3.3 volt LDO with SWD interface. With USB based SHIWAKI Metal ST-Link V2 debugger, the board connection and flash programming works fine. With ST-LINK/V2 [www.st.com/stlinkv2/] board not working now. Earlier it was working. I suspect there is some issue with debugger and not sure why the voltage reports 1.56V or less.
SWD - MCU connection are -
Find below STCubeProgrammer log with different voltage reporting with only ST-Link V2 debugger connection to computer.
15:15:10 : ST-LINK SN : 48FF74066580515316330367 [ With SHIWAKI Metal ST-Link V2 debugger]
15:15:10 : ST-LINK FW : V2J37S7
15:15:10 : Voltage : 3.19V
15:15:10 : Error: No STM32 target found!
15:17:06 : Warning: Device changed, refreshing...
15:17:06 : ST-LINK SN : 35FF72064D53373251552143 [ With [www.st.com/stlinkv2/] debugger]
15:17:06 : ST-LINK FW : V2J37S7
15:17:06 : Voltage : 1.53V
15:17:06 : Error: No STM32 target found!
2020-10-06 2:03 AM
You need Stlink with level translators to talk to a device with 1.53 Volt IO voltage. But 1.53 Volt is outside the voltage specs for s F3.
2020-10-06 2:47 AM
STM32F303C6 has 3.3 volt supply. what I observe is stlink2 debugger ( [www.st.com/stlinkv2/] debugger) report voltage as 1.53.
With USB based SHIWAKI Metal ST-Link V2 debugger - connection and flash programming works
With [www.st.com/stlinkv2/] debugger] - connection, flash read works. But Flash erase fails with "failed to erase memory" error