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Associate II

Hello everyone,

I'm currently experiencing an issue with my NUCLEO-G0B1RE. I've implemented a code to perform the following tasks:

  • Continuously read the values of 4 ADC channels in DMA mode.
  • Serially transmit the data through USB FS (device-only mode, Communication Device Class enabled, Interrupt enabled for USB, UCPD1, UCPD2).

I successfully worked with this firmware for several days, and I'm confident about the wiring. However, my PC suddenly stopped recognizing the USB port with the error message "device descriptor request failed." The only action I took was to perform some suggested updates on the STM32CubeIDE software. Interestingly, the same program runs without any issues on another NUCLEO board I own (an older NUCLEO-G0B1RE, which I can't use anymore due to an ADC-related problem).

What do you think could have happened? Is it possible that I somehow damaged the board with overloading, even though I wasn't touching the wiring when the issue occurred? And could the only consequence be a problem with USB FS? Or could it be some update-related problem?


Thankyou in advance for you help.

Pavel A.
Evangelist III

What do you think could have happened? Is it possible that I somehow damaged the board with overloading

This is easy to find out. Reload the previous firmware (you have backups, don't you?)

the same program runs without any issues on another NUCLEO board 

These boards are not identical? 


ST Employee

Any difference between the two NUCLEO boards in your hand?

Associate II

Everything suggests that It Is and hardware problem (something burned): the boards are identical, the older one works and the new one doesn't with the same fw and same routing and cables. The thing Is that I don't see how could this happen and which components involved in USB FS can be subject to damage: assuming that something happended, where do you think the problem Is? Some pull-up resistor burned? Or maybe something about the clock source? I have no idea! And, knowing that i have the other NUCLEO working, do you think I could restore things by switching some components from one board to the other? Or Is It all inside the microcontroller chip?