To debug backlight:First step, please check the "+5V" power is provided well: to probe C3 or C76 on the MB1248.Second step, if the first step ok: 5V provided well on the MB1248, then to check if on the LCD board(MB1166), whether it gets the 5V well. ...
What's the problem you meet when you are saying "as i have not a sufficient knowledge regarding these things"?Normally, start from the cube, you could have the examples, a link to NUCLEO here FYI: NUCLEO-L476RG - STM32 Nucleo-64 development board wit...
If you want to use the MCU to support the peripherals in different power domains(3.3V + 1.8V), firstly you need to check if the MCU supports dedicated VDDIO power supply. For example: if there is a VDDIO2, it supports dedicated power domain, and the ...
You mentioned you " take away the jumper that allows T_NRST to be connected to ST-LINK", would you confirm which jumper you removed? BTW, if you assume it's impacted by the NRST, another way is to monitor this signal to see if there is a drop when th...