2024-08-20 7:54 AM
I am working with B-U585-IOT02A.
In all example project using NetXDuo stack tcp/ip (web server, Azure Iot Hub, ecc. ecc.) the communication with wifi mxchip is performed by SPI using IPC -HCI command protocol.
I haven't found documentation about command accepted from SPI by MXCHIP module.
I need to know what command are received by mxchip wifi, because they are not standard AT command, and I need to develope a project with STM32U585 with a different chip wifi.
Several other wifi chip accept only AT command, and I need to analyze the difference and the structure of sample projects.
Best Regards
Fabrizio Beltrandi
2024-08-20 8:04 AM
@FBelt.1 wrote:using NetXDuo stack tcp/ip ... I need to develope a project ... with a different chip wifi.
Perhaps it would be easier to just find a WiFi module supported by NetXDuo ?
2024-08-20 8:07 AM
@FBelt.1 wrote:I haven't found documentation about command accepted from SPI by MXCHIP module.
There's a company contact given here:
See also: https://www.mxchip.com/en and https://www.mxchip.com/en/about-us/contact
2024-08-21 6:03 AM
Thank you Andrew,
I know that wifi modules supported by NetXDuo need to work in data mode bypassing on chip tcp/ip stack.
Do you know other behavioures needed?
Best Regards
2024-08-21 6:11 AM
@FBelt.1 wrote:Do you know other behaviours needed?
I know nothing - you'd have to check that with NetXDuo
Drivers: https://github.com/eclipse-threadx/rtos-docs/blob/main/rtos-docs/netx-duo/chapter5.md
2024-08-21 7:28 AM
Hello @FBelt.1
@FBelt.1 wrote:
I know that wifi modules supported by NetXDuo need to work in data mode bypassing on chip tcp/ip stack.
Are you interested in NetXDuo driver that allows to use the WiFi processor's TCP-IP stack instead of NetXDuo's ?
you can use #define NX_ENABLE_TCPIP_OFFLOAD
there is an example of another WiFi driver that uses it:
you can download the zip for STMicroelectronics B-L4S5I-IOT01A : https://github.com/eclipse-threadx/samples/releases/download/v6.2_rel/Azure_RTOS_6.2_STM32L4+-DISCO_STM32CubeIDE_Samples_2022_11_30.zip
The B-L4S5I-IOT01A board has an Inventek ISM43362 WiFi chip used with SPI and AT commands.
The TCP-IP stack is handled in the WiFi chip (not on the STM32L4S5).
It's not the netxduo driver itself that handles the AT command. It's done in an intermediate library:
The netx driver is duplicated in each netxduo project sources. For example: stm32cubeide\sample_netx_duo_ping\nx_driver_stm32l4.c
The netx driver calls wifi.c which calls es_wifi.c which handles the actual AT command communication with WiFi chip on SPI.
Note : NX_ENABLE_TCPIP_OFFLOAD is required . it is defined in stm32cubeide\netxduo\ports\cortex_m4\gnu\inc\nx_port.h but you can define it in your IDE project level or in nx_user.h.