2021-05-20 9:33 AM
I just got an MCUDEV board for the STM32H743 chip. I have been using an eval board and have my code configured in the CubeIDE. When I connect the MCUDEV board to my computer via a Micro USB to USB cable, LED D1 turns on and LED D2 starts flashing. But when I press "Run" in the CubeIDE, I get an error of "No ST-LINK detected". I do not get this error when I use the eval board, and the MCUDEV board is not showing up in my COM ports. Is there a step I missed in getting my code onto the board and running it?
2021-05-20 9:43 AM
The DevEBox board has an SWD debug header, you need to attach an ST-LINK to that to do the debugging.
Via the USB, you're going to need to connect with BOOT0 High for it to enter the ROM loader, and then you'd need to use STM32 Cube Programmer in USB/DFU mode to push in the firmware. Jumper BT0 and 3V3 pin at the debug header
2021-05-20 10:13 AM
2021-05-20 11:30 AM
I hooked up BT0 to 3V3 but I do not see how to change to USB/DFU mode. I have been using the micro USB - USB cable to upload my code throughout, is this a new setting I need to change? Thanks
2021-05-20 11:34 AM
Make sure that the device is seen in Device Manager, something like "STM32 BOOT DEVICE"
Select USB connectivity mode, and select the device if there are multiple choices.
2021-05-20 12:58 PM
Do you have a recommendation if the device is not in the Device Manager? I can see the Eval boardin the Device Manager when I plug it in but not the MCUDEV board
2021-05-20 2:33 PM
Are you removing ALL sources of power from the board?
Is the cable known good?
I will have to try this later, don't have the board to hand currently.
2021-05-20 5:00 PM
Win 7 x64 initially reports as "DFU in FS Mode" then as Windows finds a driver we get "STM32 Bootloader"
Make sure you allow Windows to find/download the driver, and that you don't have some "Unknown USB' device in Device Manager.
2021-05-24 8:07 AM
I've tried this with both power to the board and no power to the board. I've been using the USB cable I had been using to program the Eval board so I know it works. When I open Device Manager, there is no Unknown USB or STM32. When I plug and unplug the device, device manager does not change.
2021-05-24 8:37 AM
Boot mode is entered with BT0/3V3 jumpered, and the board brought out of a cold powerless state by plugging in the USB connection to a host computer.
Windows should make its ding-**** attachment sound. You should ideally connect directly to the computer, avoiding docking stations or hubs.
The alternative connection method would be via the SWDIO/SWCLK connections of the debug header to an ST-LINK/V2 or V3